The Genesis Academy Drama Programme is a Light Park: filled with the bright lights of talented, engaged students who are making exciting discoveries about themselves, each other and the world around them. Recently, five of these Drama Students auditioned for and got into The L....
Important life lesson and teachable moment at Genesis Academy as we observed a historic day when our neighbor, the great United States of America inaugurated as Vice President, the first woman.
For the first time in our lifetime, we were privileged to witness a Black/Asian/Caribbean American...
Genesis Academy Presents gifts to Salvation Army Church. Thanks again to all of our students that donated gift during our Very Merry Christmas...
The Spelling Bee Club has been active for the last 4 years under the coaching/leadership of Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Walkine. This year, the Spelling Bee club made history as we successfully hosted our first school wide competition. This was just the beginning for us...
A fun day of Christmas decorating and our Annual Cookie Bake-Off. We congratulate Alpha House on winning the Annual Cookie Bake Off on Friday, November 16.